1. The author of the lesson ‘A Letter to God’ is –

a) G. L. Fuentes             b) J.K. Rowling           c) Arup Kr. Datta        d) Lokesh Abrol

2. Lencho cultivated –

a) Wheat             b) Barley            c) Rice                 d) Corn

3. Lencho’s field was white as if covered with –

a) Milk                 b) Sugar             c) Salt                 d) Snow

4. Lencho’s letter to God was read by –

a) The postman          b) The Postmaster              c) The God                  d) His neighbours

5. On which day Lencho came to receive his money –

a) Sunday                    b) Monday                   c) Friday             d) Saturday

6. Despite being a farmer, Lencho knew –

a) how to please God          b) how to write

c) how to drive                     d) how to talk

7. Lencho’s field was destroyed –

a) Badly              b) Partially                 c) Totally                    d) Half

8. The woman who was preparing supper was –

a) Lencho’s mother             b) Lencho’s wife

c) Lencho’s friend                d) Lencho’s daughter

9. ‘What faith! I wish I had the faith of the man wrote this letter, starting up a correspondence with

God’ – is said by –

a) Lencho                     b) The Postmaster

c) The Postman          d) An employee of the post office

10. The only hope left in the hearts of Lencho’s family was —

a) Compensation from government    b) Help from farmer’s association

c) Help from God.                                    d) There was no hope left.

11. The immediate reaction of the postmaster on seeing the letter was —

a) Felt empathetic               b) Laughed whole heartedly

c) Cried                                  d) Felt sad

12. Lencho thought of the post office employees were –

a) Rude               b) Proud            c) Crooks                    d) Helpful

13. What is the irony in the ‘A letter to God’?

a) Lencho was sad after the hailstorm even though he was the one waiting for a shower.

b) The Postmaster laughed at Lencho but still helped to arrange money for him.

c) Lencho blamed the post office employees who in fact helped him.

d) There is no irony.

14. Lencho’s field needed .............. for a good harvest.

a) manure          b) hail                c) rain                 d) ploughing

15. The story ‘A Letter to God’ sets in –

a) Latin America                  b) India             c) The USA        d) England

16. Lencho went out in the rain —

a) to bathe in the rain b) to collect his corns

c) to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body

d) to cover the roof of his house.

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